Sitcoms: welcome to your tape!

Hello readers! If you ended up on this blog it's probably because you want to know as much as possible about sitcoms. Well, relax, you found the best site for that. In this blog, you'll find several posts about different aspects of sitcoms. First, the most important information, what is a sitcom and what are its origins. Have you ever wonder when this HILARIOUS type of tv shows started? Then start reading the first post!

On second place, you'll find all the characteristics a good sitcom should have. This might seem boring-technique information, but guess what... We've collected the important information and adapted it for you. You'll read about technique stuff as if a friend was telling it to you. Fantastic, don't you think?

In the third post, there is a list of the different types of sitcoms that exist nowadays. It includes examples, so if any appeals attractive to you, check it out! 

Our 2 last posts talk about two of the GREATEST American sitcoms ever: The Big Bang Theory and Friends. You'll find a brief summary (without revealing anything, we don't want to spoil you!) and some information regarding the characters. Visit them to quench your sitcoms bug! 

After reading all these posts, we think you'll be a sitcom expert. Nevertheless, are you ready to prove this right? Complete the questionnaire of the following link to discover it! 

Questionnaire –>



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