Hey readers! How are you ? Today, we are gonna focus on the several characteristics which are common to all types of sitcoms. Please, keep reading!
1. Consistency:
it is very rare that something ever changes in a Sitcom.
If there are problems that the characters should overcome, at the end they always solve them and everything goes back to normal once again so … don’t panic!
2. No changes on the setting or the characters:
the characters never change or develop and the situation
happens almost always in the same spot/place (for you to not get lost!)
3. When there appear new characters, they are barely introduced to
the audience and usually they only appear for short periods of time. Don’t get too fond of them!
4. The Hook: it is the moment that makes the people laugh and its main objective is to attract the audience. In other words, the climax of the situation!
5. Short duration of the episodes: in the majority of the cases, the episodes in situational comedies do not last more than half an hour. You can be up all night long!
6. The cast is composed by no more than 7 or 8 main characters + secondary characters.
What a pity!
7. Humour is the basic component of sitcoms and depending on the target audience it can be based on jokes and irony or in physical humour. If you want to laugh, watch!
8. Authenticity/ Realism: usually even if a sitcom is not composed by real characters (animated cartoons) it gives a stance of reality creating an effect that the characters are real and their lives are normal. I’m sure some of you would like to live their lives more than once ;)
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